Where is my Beloved?
On the seat of ignorance i sat alone
A little bird of hope came flying
Said she “Yes! On the head of Radha’s beloved”
Where is the prank child of MaYashoda?
The friend of devoted Sudhama?
Wither, the Guru of faithful Dhananjaya?
The lilting flute notes haunted my mind.
I ran to the temples, searching
But He was not there, I cried.
I looked for him,in the crowds too
But He disappeared,just in a flash.
I thought him to be among scholars
But I found only lore, not Him
I thought him to be among dancers
But i found only dance, not Him
I went to the mountains seeking Him
There lay rocks, devoid of bliss
I was bewildered not seeing Him
Then spoke a voice within
Seek Me not in the woods or temples
Not among crowds or scholars
Seek Me in the cave of your heart
I entered the cavern ,devotion deep
Beheld a beam, light of the third eye.
In that hopeful light I saw a yellow cloth
Was that Giridhar ,my Peethambardhari?
Traits pulled me away from the vision
Couldn’t behold the Divine anymore
Thrown out of the cave by vasanas
Keeping me away from my BelovedMy wait is eternal ,o smiling shepherd
To hear your music ,to feel your love
My heart rushed to fall at your feet
To serve you , beloved Lord of the gopis.
- me thanthoni ,..
nairs community :D